8 Months Maternity Style:
Rocking That Finish-Line Bump
Image By Pixabay
Everyone tells me I look amazing and I truly appreciate the compliments! At 34 weeks I'm definitely feeling like a hippo. My expanded girth causes me to constantly 'bump' into everyone and everything. I take it all with humor, of course. Some days it's better to laugh than to cry!
To prevent those low, self-esteem blues, I try to dress up every day if I can to feel like the gorgeous persona of motherhood that I am. It's like a mission! I take it very seriously.
Make Motherhood look amazing
It's common knowledge in the SAHM (Stay-at-Home-Mom) world that yoga pants and leggings are gifts from the angels. I typically don't wear them out of the house unless I'm taking the kids for a walk, but as I am 6 weeks from evicting this baby I'm going to wear whatever the heck I want that actually fits and is comfortable!
Shirts aren't as particular. There are so many maternity shirts and blouses out there in the stores or online and I can even make my husband's handsome plaid shirts look adorable with my belly bump. I've found that a belt or a bow and scarves add so much pizzazz to complete a look.
The Outfits:
Outfit #1
*Black Maternity Leggings
*Long, Accordion blouse
*Accent Sweater
*Accent Earrings
*Sexy Black Boots
Peter and I pitched in and bought ourselves tickets to see
Broadway's Anastasia (which was amazing!).
I wanted to dress warm enough for walking around the City,
comfortable enough for a lot of walking (pregnant) around the City,
and pretty enough for viewing a Broadway show with my hot date.
Outfit #2
*Maternity Olive Maxi Dress
*Maternity Sweater
*Pretty Lace Headband
This was a casual, lounge-around -the-house outfit. I love wearing dresses. I feel so free, cool, and feminine. Peter found this dress through SlickDeals for only a few dollars!SlickDealshttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiipqbS4PTeAhVX_-MHHcSWBa0YABAAGgJ5bQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2c_YQymV7rJgcgy3EHio-&sig=AOD64_2ZBnUtWWYbwiqLDLVE0N61uS3Jfw&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjh957S4PTeAhXRu1MKHQg0Di4Q0Qx6BAgGEAE&adurl=SlickDeals
Outfit #3
*Black Maternity Leggings
*Large Blue Sleeveless Shirt
*Pretty Bow Headband
*Warm, fluffy NorthFace Boots
I think I was heading out grocery shopping this day. I wanted to be warm, but comfortable! I typically wear sleeveless shirts year-round because my arms tend to feel hot. It works because I can just add a cute sweater if I'm feeling cold.
Outfit #4
*Maternity Jeggings
*Maternity Hoodie Shirt
Another Grocery trip! It was literally freezing outside so I dressed for warmth. These Jeggings are thick. I also made sure to wear my wool/mix winter socks and my warm boots.
I wish I had captured a picture of my outfit from yesterday! I dolled up a bit for my night class and I really liked my ensemble. I'll have to wear it again just to make another post!
What are some of your favorite maternity brands or styles?