Yes, we are expecting baby #5!!!
We are due January 7th 2019!
The reason I haven't posted sooner to share the news is
because I now have an Iphone6XL and it doesn't support Blogger.
(BIG frown face)
Hubby let me have one of his older laptops so now
I can get on here and start doing stuff again! Yay!
There's been SO MUCH going on at the home front;
Potty training (shoot me now);
Kids home for the summer (only 4 weeks left...I can do this?);
Hubby traveling every week or every-other week or just all the time (so it seems);
I already have to work around my growing belly (another shopping trip?!),
and Finally getting to the Spring Cleaning that I didn't do in actual Spring
because I was feeling pretty pukey from said baby #5.
On the positive
I'm totes excited about finding out the gender in THREE WEEKS!!!!
So what I'd love to know is;
Team Pink???
Team Blue???
If you've seen my previous baby posts you know it's going to be a big deal and is probably going to involve some contest. I've started taking a tally of the team choice so far so go ahead and leave a comment below with your guess and I'll be sure to make a fun announcement in a few weeks about our baby's gender!
This is our family tie-breaker !
We have two daughters and two sons so far
so this baby is totally going to break the even numbers!
So go ahead and be a good sport and put your vote in;
it will make my day. :)